Joel 1:15 Alas for the day! For the day of the Lord is near, and as destruction from the Almighty it comes.
Beloved, the labor pains are in full blossom, yet the labor is not over. For just as for a woman nearing the time of giving birth the pains intensify, so too you will see much more in the coming days. Just as a woman has to keep in mind what she is laboring for, so you too should keep in your mind the promised Era of Peace. Crucifixion must come before resurrection. Like the woman, keep breathing, keep praying, and concentrate on the work at hand. All shall be well dear children. I am near.”
Beloved Father of my heart, I love you! In your mercy, keep us from despair as we labor to give birth to your gift of peace. What joy that will bring to us. May your kingdom come and come quickly. Amen.